雨中冒险归来! 雨中冒险一代重制版官方公告原文(附带中文渣翻)(1)

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雨中冒险归来! 雨中冒险一代重制版官方公告原文(附带中文渣翻)(1)

2024-01-18 08:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Dev Thoughts #28 - Risk of Rain Returns

Hello and welcome once again to the Hopoo games Dev Thoughts! I'm Jonathan the Hopoo Games community manager and it's my pleasure to introduce you to our latest game:

Risk of Rain Returns.

玩家们好,欢迎再次来到Hopoo Games开发者分享!

我是Hopoo Games社区经理Jonathan,我在此很荣幸能为大家介绍我们最新的游戏:


Risk of Rain Returns雨中冒险归来

Risk of Rain Returns is a remake of our original 2013 release Risk of Rain. For those of you unfamiliar with the original, Risk of Rain Returns is a 2d multiplayer action platformer with roguelike elements. Stranded on a strange planet waves of alien monsters randomly spawn and attack you.


The strength of these enemies increases in difficulty as time passes so you have to balance between grabbing items to increase your power and racing through the multiple stages as fast as you can to stay ahead of the curve.


For those of you who are familiar with Risk of Rain - don’t think this is just a lick of paint on an old classic - Risk of Rain Returns completely overhauls the original and introduces a ton of new content.


Updated Codebase- We'll be able to continue to update and add to the game with features that weren't previously possible


All Risk of Rain 1 content returning with glorious new HD pixel art


Enhanced Audio - including updated SFX & Chris Christodoulou is returning for some additional music tracks!

优化的音频——包含新音效的同时Chris Christodoulou将回归制作额外的音乐!

Countless rebalancing and gameplay tweaks- a smoother “gameplay feel” without losing that legendary Risk of Rain challenge


New Survivors - more on these in a future Dev Thoughts!


New Survivor Abilities- every character now has unlockable alternate abilities to customise your build!


Loadout 可替换技能系统(此为2代首创,属于是反哺了)

New Items- some returning from RoR2, some entirely new!


New Enemies


New Interactables


New Stage Variants- even RoR1 veterans will have to explore again!


Revamped Multiplayer- PC version is fully integrated into Steam - no more messing with router settings!!!


…and a huge amount more – 


Risk of Rain Returns is a whole new game and an upgraded experience from the original Risk of Rain.


Between now and the to-be-announced release date I'll be doing regular Dev Thoughts updates to tell you more about our latest title, but before we go onto today's info I have some more great news to share.


Gearbox Acquisition of the Risk of Rain IPGearbox收购《系列》IP

A few weeks ago Gearbox Entertainment purchased the Risk of Rain IP from Hopoo Games

几周前,Gearbox Entertainment将《系列》IP从Hopoo Games手中买下

Gearbox have been the trusted publisher of Risk of Rain 2 for many years now, they have a love for Risk of Rain that matches our own and are the best fit for taking the franchise into the future.


Hopoo Games will remain the developer of the Gearbox-published Risk of Rain Returns, and Gearbox will both develop and publish potential future titles in the series.

Hopoo Games依然会是Gearbox发行的《雨中冒险:归来》的开发者,同时,该系列未来可能的作品的开发与发行都将由Gearbox独自完成。

Looking back on the development of Survivors of the Void, we’re proud of what we accomplished. It was our goal to deliver all our remaining content ideas in a meaningful way. Building it for all of you has been a dream come true. But we didn’t do it alone.


Our Risk of Rain 2 co-developer, Gearbox, created some of the most well-received content in the Survivors of the Void Expansion such as the stages like Aphelian Sanctuary and Siphoned Forest. They also made some of the coolest enemies in the game like Void Jailers.


Aphelian Sanctuary 阿菲利安避难所

We are ready to move on to new challenges and welcome the exciting and fresh ideas Gearbox will bring to Risk of Rain. Completing the console versions of Survivors of the Void remains a top priority for Gearbox, and we can't wait to see what the future brings for Risk of Rain with them at the helm! We know the IP is in excellent hands.


Thanks again for your support everyone! Make sure you’re following us on Twitter & Twitch for more info and tune in next time for even more info about Risk of Rain Returns!


Jonathan Community Manager Hopoo Games



Risk of Rain Returns Steam商城链接:









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